RB already said it but I'll restate it...G.N.R.S. was great! Got to see all the
homies. Got to meet a few new ones(Ray, Jamie and Sam). Got to see some good bikes, cars and low riders (ya low riders are their own category). Met Grant and Mike from
Born Free, and
FMA and
Born Looser (and just in case you live under a rock go check them out, and buy a poster, maybe you'll win a bike), friendly dudes. Thanks for the velocity stacks and for making all of us feel welcome.

When Dave arrived we pulled the bike into the hotel room to take care of some last minute details and to keep it safe overnight.

Shooter finishes up the show card while Dave supervises.

We were supposed to load in between noon and 2. We got there at 1 and sat outside looking at everyone
else's stuff while we waited in line. This was my favorite day of the show. We got to talk with a lot of builders and real proud owners without all the noise and bustle of the actual show days. We finally got into building 6 at around 4.
Random show shots:

300+ mph land speed "car".

Chopped, sectioned, full sized fenders. Bad ass!
After setting up we went back to the hotel to wait for Jamie to get into the airport so we could all go get a little liquid refreshment together. That night Ray was talking big about being able to put down three 4x4's from In-n-Out.

Well he did it, there he is at left, powering through number one. By the time he got to the end he was hurting "Not cause I'm full, it's the cheese". Good work Sir.
Some other highlights of the trip:

Garage company: One thousand pounds of rad shit in a hundred pound sack!
This place had at least one of everything.

Went and saw the ocean. These two fruits walked in front of me while I was snapping this shot.

Sam's first time.

Dinner with the family. The bar manager of this place sat us in the back and told us not to fuck off or to be too loud or he'd kick us out. By the end of the night he'd pulled up a chair to listen to Ray tell some of his life stories and was laughing his ass off with the rest of us.

On the way to the airport
RB's buddy Jake wanted to try to find the
Orozco mural that was tucked back in some dinning hall on the Pomona college campus. The lunch lady in there looked at us like we'd sprouted antlers when we asked if we could come in and check out her painting. So, sorry this is such a long winded post with a notable lack of bike shots but I figured y'all might want to see what else we got up to in California.
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