Thanks a billion to Jeremiah and everyone who made that show happen. We had a super good time, maybe a little bit too good a time considering the entire ride home was one giant hang over. Tom picked daves '47 for "best chopper" but we blew it and were getting burritos when the award was announced. But Tom was rad and got back up on stage when dave got back. Good friends cool bikes and tequila make for a badass weekend. I was too busy having fun to take any pictures tho so the only one ive got is of dave sleeping on the way home. Thanks for letting me sleep in yer empty apartment steven and thanks again for having us Jeremiah and I can't wait to come back next yr!
fuck yeah that ruled. was rad meeting you guys, thanks for the ride I didnt really want to walk back from the strip club after stopping for a 30pack ha,ha congrats to dave that build truly is a beauty.